It’s been my honor to serve the people of Eureka & the Second Ward since 2020
…and there’s so much more work to do!

My First Term in Office

  • Jacobs Campus

    Most of my non routine work recently involves keeping our seat at the table when it comes to what happens with the old Jacobs campus. I've connected with the South Eureka Neighborhood Alliance to learn from their canvassing efforts, participated in community events and media discussions. I've met with the CHP to review their proposed plans for a new HQ. I continue to meet monthly with Eureka City Schools leadership to keep the good of the neighborhood and community in their minds along with all of their financial and educational concerns.  

    My townhall meeting on the topic of Jacobs brought out over a hundred neighbors, yielding lots of excellent input.

  • EPD Citizen Oversight

    I initiated the creation of a real citizen oversight board for the EPD, holding the city's largest single department to better standards of transparency and accountability. So far, this independent board has reviewed policy, investigated incidents, and continues to meet regularly with groups representing historically under-served communities.

  • Kamisu, Japan Sister City

     On a more global scale, I revitalized the Sister City relationship between Eureka and Kamisu Japan, reconnecting key stakeholders on both sides of the Pacific, and starting us back on the path towards educational, cultural and economic exchange. Communication is now regular and we are well on the way to being able to send Exchange students to represent our community.

Boards & Commissions

Humboldt Bay Fire
Board of Directors

The joint powers authority agreement between the City of Eureka  and the Fire District is just seven years old, and hasn't been thoroughly reviewed or amended in that time. Much of my board service in the JPA has involved studying how the situation has been working out, and finding potential efficiency improvements.

Eureka City Schools
2x2 Committee

As the representative of Eureka's most diverse ward with the most school age kids, I meet regularly with ECS leadership to find areas where they and the City can help each other. I also find myself using my privilege and access to advocate for inclusion of diverse voices and student led improvements in equitable education. 

Chamber of Commerce
2x2 Committee

By meeting with officers and staff from the Eureka Chamber of Commerce quarterly, I've learned about their concerns and opinions directly. We’ve found lots of common ground and things we can agree to work on together like free public events, property security resources, and disaster preparedness.

Team Eureka

Much of what I feel most proud of are not things I have done as an individual, but the collaborative efforts of Council and Staff. We are working to make Eureka “The Historic City of the Future,” a desirable, economically strong, safe, walkable city with a transparent, responsive and fiscally responsible government.

Some of my Favorites

  • Eureka wins a Helen Putnam Award for Creative Solutions to Homelessness

    • The City’s UPLIFT, CAPE, and CSET programs are building a road for people in desperate times. They’re meeting people on the street, getting them into housing, into treatment, into job training, and ultimately into a paying job and out of trouble. The city has its own clinician, social workers and case managers to help people from crisis intervention, all along the way to standing on their own two feet.

  • Affordable Housing Development all over town including improvements to public transportation

  • Arts Alive and Friday Night Market, plus a ton of other local flavor events

  • The Redwood Skywalk at the Zoo and the global reach of our marketing efforts

  • City sponsored Community Clean up days

  • Renovations at parks all over town & especially Highland Park, and Da Yas Park here in the Second Ward

  • The City now offers free child care to all of its employees through our own daycare center